International Journals
Self-supervised Multimodal Graph Convolutional Network for collaborative filtering [paper]
Sungjune Kim, Seongjun Yun, Jongwuk Lee, Gyusam Chang, Wonseok Roh, Dae-Neung Sohn, Jung-Tae Lee, Hogun Park, Sangpil Kim
Information Sciences, January 2024
Saliency as Pseudo-pixel Supervision for Weakly and Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation [paper]
Seungho Lee,* Minhyun Lee*, Jongwuk Lee, Hyunjung Shim (* : equal contribution)
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 2023Your Lottery Ticket is Damaged: Towards All-Alive Pruning for Extremely Sparse Networks [paper]
Daejin Kim, Min-Soo Kim, Hyunjung Shim, Jongwuk Lee
Information Sciences, July 2023CoMix: Collaborative filtering with mixup for implicit datasets [paper]
Jaewan Moon, Yoonki Jeong, Dong-Kyu Chae, Jaeho Choi, Hyunjung Shim, Jongwuk Lee
Information Sciences, May 2023
Large-Scale Tucker Tensor Factorization for Sparse and Accurate Decomposition [paper]
Jun-Gi Jang, Moonjeong Park, Jongwuk Lee, Lee Sael
Journal of Supercomputing, 2022DeepTESR: A Deep Learning Framework to Predict the Degree of Translational Elongation Short Ramp for Gene Expression Control [paper]
Dong-Jae Kim, Jiwoo Kim, Dong-Hyun Lee, Jongwuk Lee, Han-Min Woo
ACS Synthetic Biology, 2022Knowledge Distillation Meets Recommendation: Collaborative Distillation for Top-N Recommendation [paper]
Jae-woong Lee, Minjin Choi, Hyunjung Shim, Jongwuk Lee
Knowledge and Information Systems, 2022
Distilling from Professors: Enhancing the Knowledge Distillation of Teachers [paper]
Duhyeon Bang, Jongwuk Lee, Hyunjung Shim
Information Sciences, October 2021
CrowdStart: Warming up Cold-Start Items using Crowdsourcing [paper]
Dong-Gyun Hong, Yeon-Chang Lee, Jongwuk Lee, Sang-Wook Kim
Expert Systems with Applications, December 2019l-Injection: Toward Effective Collaborative Filtering using Uninteresting Items [paper]
Jongwuk Lee, Won-Seok Hwang, Juan Parc, Youngnam Lee, Sang-Wook Kim, Dongwon Lee
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Jan 2019
Crowdsourced Promotions in Doubt: Analyzing Effective Crowdsourced Promotions [paper]
Hee-Jeong Kim, Jongwuk Lee, Dong-Kyu Chae, Sang-Wook Kim
Information Sciences, 432: 185-198, March 2018
CrowdK: Answering Top-k Queries with Crowdsourcing [paper]
Jongwuk Lee, Dongwon Lee, Seung-won Hwang
Information Sciences, 399: 98-120, August 2017
Optimizing Skyline Queries over Incomplete Data [paper]
Jongwuk Lee, Hyeonseung Im, Gae-won You
Information Sciences, 361: 14-28, 20 September 2016Improving the Accuracy of Top-N Recommendation using a Preference Model [paper]
Jongwuk Lee, Dongwon Lee, Yeon-Chang Lee, Won-Seok Hwang, Sang-Wook Kim
Information Sciences, 348: 290-304, 20 June 2016
Before 2016
Toward Scalable Indexing for Top-k Queries [paper]
Jongwuk Lee, Hyunsouk Cho, Sunyou Lee, Seung-won Hwang
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 26(12): 3103-3116, 2014Scalable Skyline Computation using a Balanced Pivot Selection Technique [paper]
Jongwuk Lee, Seung-won Hwang
Information Systems 39: 1-21, 2014Efficient Entity Matching using Materialized Lists [paper]
Sanghoon Lee, Jongwuk Lee, Seung-won Hwang
Information Sciences 261: 170-184, 2014Skyline Ranking for Uncertain Databases [paper]
Hyountaek Yong, Jongwuk Lee, Jinha Kim, Seung-won Hwang
Information Sciences 273: 247-262, 2014Toward Efficient Multidimensional Subspace Skyline Computation [paper]
Jongwuk Lee, Seung-won Hwang
VLDB Journal 23(1): 129-145, 2014
Hybrid Entity Clustering using Crowds and Data [paper]
Jongwuk Lee, Hyunsouk Cho, Jin-Woo Park, Young-rok Cha, Seung-won Hwang, Zaiqing Nie, Ji-Rong Wen
VLDB Journal 22(5): 711-726, 2013
Supporting Efficient Distributed Skyline Computation using Skyline Views [paper]
Jongwuk Lee, Jinhan Kim, Seung-won Hwang
Information Sciences 194: 24-37, 2012Interactive Skyline Queries [paper]
Jongwuk Lee, Gae-won You, Seung-won Hwang, Joachim Selke, Wolf-Tilo Balke
Information Sciences 211: 18-35, 2012
VSkyline: Vectorization for Efficient Skyline Computation [paper]
Sung-Ryoung Cho, Jongwuk Lee, Seung-won Hwang, Hwansoo Han, Sang-Won Lee
SIGMOD Record 39(2): 19-26, 2010
Personalized Top-k Skyline Queries in High-Dimensional Space [paper]
Jongwuk Lee, Gae-won You, Seung-won Hwang
Information Systems 34(1): 45-61, 2009
Domestic Journals
SASRec vs. BERT4Rec: 트랜스포머 기반 순차적 추천 모델의 성능 분석 [paper]
김혜영, 윤민철, 이종욱
정보과학회논문지 (Journal of KIISE) Vol.51 No.4 [2024]: 352-361, April 2024사전 학습된 언어 모델 기반 통합 추천 모델의 문제점 분석 및 개선 방안 제시 [paper]
김현수*, 김준영*, 이종욱 (* : equal contribution)
한국정보과학회 컴퓨팅의 실제 논문지 Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 55-62, 2024.2
언어-영상 사전 학습 모델 기반 샘플 선택을 활용한 노이즈 레이블 학습 [paper]
차봉건, 최민진, 이종욱
정보과학회논문지 (Journal of KIISE) Vol.50 No.6 [2023]: 511-520, June 2023지식 추적 모델의 성능 개선을 위한 양자화된 정답률 임베딩 방법 [paper]
임윤진, 문재완, 최은성, 이종욱
정보과학회논문지 (Journal of KIISE) Vol.50 No.4 [2023]: 329-336, April 2023
기계 독해 성능 개선을 위한 데이터 증강 기법 [paper]
이선경, 최은성, 정선호, 이종욱
정보과학회논문지 (Journal of KIISE) Vol.48 No.12 [2021]: 1298-1304, Nov 2021항목 인기도 편향 관점에서의 잡음제거 오토인코더의 효과 (우수논문상) [paper]
김진홍, 이재웅, 이종욱
정보과학회논문지 (Journal of KIISE) Vol.48 No.05 [2021]: 575-593, May 2021
신경망 및 비신경망 오토인코더 기반 추천 모델의 성능 비교 및 분석 (우수논문상) [paper]
정윤기, 이종욱
정보과학회논문지 (Journal of KIISE) Vol.47 No.11 [2020]: 1078-1085, Nov 2020
자연어를 활용한 SQL문 생성을 위한 합성곱 신경망 기반 칼럼 예측 모델 [paper]
정윤기, 김동민, 이종욱
정보과학회논문지 (Journal of KIISE) Vol.46 No.02 [2019]: 202-207, Feb 2019
다차원 공간에서 정확한 선형 스카이라인 알고리즘 [paper]
박희수, 이종욱
정보과학회논문지 (Journal of KIISE) Vol.45 No.10 [2018]: 1089-1095, Oct 2018
상위 N개 항목의 추천 정확도 향상을 위한 효과적인 선호도 표현방법 [paper]
이재웅, 이종욱
정보과학회논문지 (Journal of KIISE) Vol.44 No.6 [2017]: 621-627, Jun 2017