Minjin Choi (최민진)
M.S./Ph.D. student
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Topic: Recommender systems, Information retrieval, Natural language processing
Email: zxcvxd [at] skku.edu
I am a graduate student at the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Korea. I received my B.S. degree in computer science from Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Korea in 2019.
Favorite quote
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas Edison
Temporal Linear Item-Item Model for Sequential Recommendation [link] [code]
Seongmin Park*, Mincheol Yoon*, Minjin Choi, Jongwuk Lee (* : equal contribution)
The 18th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM)
Hannover, Germany, March 10-14, 2025 (Acceptance Rate: 17.3%, 106/614)From Reading to Compressing: Exploring the Multi-document Reader for Prompt Compression [paper] [code] [poster] [slide]
Eunseong Choi, Sunkyung Lee, Minjin Choi, June Park, Jongwuk Lee
The 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP Findings)
Miami, Florida, USA, November 12-16, 2024MARS: Matching Attribute-aware Representations for Text-based Sequential Recommendation [link] [code] [poster]
Hyunsoo Kim*, Junyoung Kim*, Minjin Choi, Sunkyung Lee, Jongwuk Lee (* : equal contribution)
The 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM, short paper)
Boise, Idaho, USA, October 21-25, 2024 (Acceptance Rate: 26.8%, 141/527)Multi-intent-aware Session-based Recommendation [link] [code]
Minjin Choi, Hye-young Kim, Hyunsouk Cho, Jongwuk Lee
The 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR, short paper)
Washington D.C., USA, July 14-18, 2024 (Acceptance Rate: 24.0%, 84/362)GLEN: Generative Retrieval via Lexical Index Learning [link] [code] [poster] [slide]
Sunkyung Lee*, Minjin Choi*, Jongwuk Lee (* : equal contribution)
The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)
Singapore, December 6-10, 2023 (Acceptance Rate: 23.3%, 901/3868)ConQueR: Contextualized Query Reduction using Search Logs [link] [code] [poster]
Hye-young Kim*, Minjin Choi*, Sunkyung Lee, Eunseong Choi, Young-In Song and Jongwuk Lee (* : equal contribution)
The 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR, short paper)
Taipei, Taiwan, July 23-27, 2023 (Acceptance Rate: 25.12%, 154/613)SpaDE: Improving Sparse Representations using a Dual Document Encoder for First-stage Retrieval [link] [code]
Eunseong Choi*, Sunkyung Lee*, Minjin Choi, Hyeseon Ko, Young-In Song and Jongwuk Lee (* : equal contribution)
The 31st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, October 17-21, 2022 (Acceptance Rate: 23.3%, 274/1175)S-Walk: Accurate and Scalable Session-based Recommendation with Random Walks [link] [code] [slide] [video][poster]
Minjin Choi, Jinhong Kim, Joonseok Lee, Hyunjung Shim, Jongwuk Lee
15th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM)
Phoenix, Arizona, February 21-25, 2022 (Acceptance Rate: 20.2%, 159/786)Knowledge Distillation Meets Recommendation: Collaborative Distillation for Top-N Recommendation [link]
Jae-woong Lee, Minjin Choi, Hyunjung Shim, Jongwuk Lee
Knowledge and Information Systems, 2022MelBERT: Metaphor Detection via Contextualized Late Interaction using Metaphorical Identification Theories [link] [code] [slide] [video]
Minjin Choi, Sunkyung Lee, Eunseong Choi, Heesoo Park, Junhyuk Lee, Dongwon Lee, Jongwuk Lee
2021 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL)
Mexico City, Mexico (Virtual Event), June 6–11, 2021 (Acceptance Rate: 26.5%, 477/1797)Session-aware Linear Item-Item Models for Session-based Recommendation [link] [code] [slide] [video]
Minjin Choi, Jinhong Kim, Joonseok Lee, Hyunjung Shim, Jongwuk Lee
30th The Web Conference (WWW)
Ljubljana, Slovenia (Virtual Event), April 19-23, 2021 (Acceptance Rate: 20.6%, 357/1736)Local Collaborative Autoencoders [link] [code] [slide] [video][poster]
Minjin Choi, Yoonki Jeong, Joonseok Lee, Jongwuk Lee
14th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 021)
Jerusalem, Israel (Virtual Event), March 8-12, 2021 (Acceptance Rate: 18.6%, 112/603)Collaborative Distillation for Top-N Recommendation [link]
Jae-woong Lee, Minjin Choi, Jongwuk Lee, Hyunjung Shim
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), Beijing, China, Nov 2019
(Acceptance Rate: 9.08% , 95/1046)MMCF: Multimodal Collaborative Filtering for Automatic Playlist Continuation [link]
Hojin Yang, Yoonki Jeong, Minjin Choi, Jongwuk Lee
The ACM Recommender Systems Conference (RecSys) Challenge, Vancouver, Canada, Nov 2018
힌트 벡터 유사도를 활용한 거대 언어 모델 기반 자연어-SQL 변환 [link]
권동욱, 최민진, 이종욱
한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2024 No.12 [2024]: 274-276, Dec 2024언어-영상 사전 학습 모델 기반 샘플 선택을 활용한 노이즈 레이블 학습 [link]
차봉건, 최민진, 이종욱
정보과학회논문지 (Journal of KIISE) Vol.50 No.6 [2023]: 511-520, June 2023반복 프롬프팅을 활용한 거대 언어모델 기반 표 질의응답 코드 생성 [link]
박주봉*, 이혜리*, 최민진, 이종욱 (* : equal contribution)
한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집, Vol.2023 No.06 [2023]: 884-886 Jun 2023세션 기반 추천의 반복 및 비반복 항목 예측에 대한 성능 비교 및 분석 [link]
김혜영, 최민진, 김준영, 이종욱
한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2022 No.06 [2022]: 121-123, Jun 2022임베딩 드롭아웃을 활용한 세션 기반 신경망 추천 모델의 성능 개선 [link]
문재완, 최민진, 이종욱
한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2020 No.7 [2020]: 76-78, Jul 2020추천시스템에서 인지도 편향의 영향력 분석 [link]
김은빈, 최민진, 이종욱
한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2018 No.12 [2018]: 1914-1916, Dec 2018한글 자연어 처리를 위한 빈도수 기반 음절 임베딩 [link]
정윤기, 최민진, 양호진, 이종욱
한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2018 No.06 [2018]: 604-606, Jun 2018비신경망 vs. 신경망 기반 추천 모델: 정확도 및 다양성 비교 및 분석 [link]
서해빈, 최민진, 이종욱
한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2018 No.06 [2018]: 614-616, Dec 2019